Sunday, February 2, 2014

Taadake (Falls), Hedo Rock Climbing and Snorkeling (Summer 2012)

More Northern Okinawa please!!! We love it up North!

Tadake falls is what everyone calls it. Nerd alert... that's sooo redundant! Taa is the name of the falls. Dake means falls in Japanese. Okay, done nerding. Anywho, Tadake is a pretty common place to go cool off in the summer for anyone and everyone in Oki! It may seem off the grid to get there, but lots of people know all about it. It's a nice little river trek to a gorgeous waterfall...

Here's the interesting part about Tadake. There were a crapload of people there. Kids, babies and dogs too. Now I would consider myself pretty adventurous... and a bit of a worrier... but nonetheless, adventurous. I was just floored by the number of people that thought it was okay to take any version of an unstable human being or animal on that river trek! Chris and I both had on our super stealth Oki scuba felt bottom boots, and traction over the rocks in the river was still sketchy at times. I seriously couldn't get over the women carrying babies in carriers/backpacks, etc... Eeek :/ Now what was really fun to watch were all of the crazy young Marines jumping off the rocks into the deep water holes in the river. AND all of the little Japanese elementary aged kids squealing in the falls. 

Once we made it to the falls, there were some more challenging side trails to get to the top of the falls. So we went for it! Lots of slippery mud, ropes and more river to trek through. Great fun! 

My husband thinks he's Tarzan :)

The view from the top of the falls. You can get really close to the edge!

Another day, another adventure with this loveable guy :)

Next up is Hedo Day... I think I have too many favorite fun times in Oki because this one goes way up at the top of the list too! Summer of 2012 is the time when I feel like Nicole and I got some really good bonding time! Chris and I enjoyed a couple beach days with her and her husband Ryan, and then they invited us to go up to Hedo with some of their friends for an awesome day trip of rock climbing and snorkeling! I love rock climbing!! It had been a few years for me and Chris, and this was going to be Nicole's first time...

Nicole getting ready to kill it :)

Best part about this girl. She rocked this. She's a beast. And I'm pretty sure she laughed all the way up the rock :)

I bet she's still laughing. :)  ---->
 My turn!!

Like a Honey Badger. That's how Nicole and I do  it haha ;)

 And of course the monkey man himself!
Cool view :) Never rockclimbed next to an ocean before!

 Trying some different routes. Go muscles!

I found another climber. He told me he didn't need ropes though. I was pretty impressed. And no, I did not turn the camera sideways... this guy was acutally vertical!

After a couple climbs, it was about low tide time... which meant snorkel time! I'm no expert snorkeler, but I did know that Hedo was a little more of a difficult place for snorkeling. Ryan just walked us through where to go though! The reef there was a-mazing! We didn't have the best light that day, but we saw some cool stuff! I finally got to see my first Lionfish too :) The reef/coral was just so untouched! Getting out of the water was a little more challenging than anywhere I had snorkeled before. The reef was like 'fingers' with inlets of deep areas. So I followed Chris to a spot where he got out pretty easily without slamming into the reef. And as I was trying to get out, I felt something pinch my leg/butt. I turned around... nothing. And then it happened again! So I turn around and there is a fish... no kidding, like an 8 inch little red fish just muggin' me. And he's wriggling around from left to right just chompin at the bit for the next bite haha. So I poked my head out of the water and told Chris that with the next wave I was coming in and to catch me. He did! And I didn't kill myself on the reef. I got out and was so entralled with the fish biting my butt haha. I just couldn't get over the look on his little fish face! I must have been too close to his coral or something. Sorry buddy! I didn't mean any harm! 
The bay where we snorkeled

Is this place not just gorgeous! Even without the sun :) Look closely for a 'bird on the hill' and our van. 

 After we left the beach, Chris and I really wanted to see what the bird was all about... well, here it is. Looks like the 'roadkill' bird from the last post haha. Alas, the bird gave us a nice view of Hedo bay and the spot we just climbed.

Another fantastic Northern Oki adventure!

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