Sunday, March 6, 2011

My first roller slide park!

Time to add a lot more posts!! I know,  I know,  I'm bad haha ;)
Chris took me up to a really cool park that's just a couple miles from our house... there's a walking path and cool stuff to play on! Japan hasn't gotten the message on dangerous play equipment yet...thank goodness!! My sister Shannon will be so excited to see this stuff in person one day!! Some of you may know this already, but Shannon and I have always been on a constant mission to find teeter totters in parks and any other cool play equipment...guess we still haven't grown up yet :)

 <---Park map

                       Big butt leaf--->
ハブ=Habu; Watch out for the Habu Snakes!!

 Tower &
   Tower roof

From the top! :)

 Chris giving directions--->

The coolest roller slide ever!!!

 Always interesting signs :)

コース=kosu (with a long o sound). So it means 'course'!  This is a 1km course :) The word 'course' is used here all the time for 'path' or sometimes even in context with 'trail' or a lane on a track. 

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