Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Okinawa Bullfighting

Okinawa bullfighting is not a fight to the death or a matador vs bull fight... it's actually one bull vs another bull with a 'coach' for each bull. The bulls lock horns and eventually they push against each other and poke at each other until one bull disengages. The bull that disengages first loses. 

Leading the bulls to each other


Look at the guy in the yellow with his right foot up. The Okinawan 'coaches' stomp and wave the bull in the direction of the other bull, occasionally touching the bull too. They also yell "Hi-ya! Hiiii-ya!" 

The winning bull always wagged his tail :)

...and got paraded around with a little kid on top of him
This poor guy's in trouble

Well, Oki bullfighting was interesting to see once, but I don't think we need to go back. We just kept hoping that these bulls were 'excited' to be fighters haha :)

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