Sunday, January 8, 2012

Thailand (Phuket) June 2011

Yes, I'm really posting about things we did more than 6 months ago :)

Chris and I planned a trip to Thailand as our first real vacation together...guess it was kinda like a much delayed honeymoon. Chris was really wanting to run a summer marathon, and they don't have any here in we started looking at other countries to make a combined marathon/vacation trip. Our first 4 days we spent in Phuket. The marathon started at 4:30am since it's so hot there! It was so incredibly humid. Here are some pics of the marathon and our hotel:

2nd place!! 

Chris's friend from college, Jai, lives in Thailand and met us in we got to spend some time with him as well. He took us out to a cool restaurant and we drove around Phuket Town for our first Thailand driving experience. This is how you park in a crowded parking garage in Thailand... the cars that double park are left in neutral so you can push them out of the way to get your car out of it's spot.

Raya (Restaurant)

We got to relax the day after the marathon and took a boat tour out to the Phi Phi Islands...the place where the movie 'The Beach' was filmed. It was such a beautiful place...but it was PACKED full of tourists. The rest of the boat day was very nice...we did some snorkeling and hung out on another random island in the Andaman Sea. 

Beautiful place :)

Masses of people!

The water was so salty!! It was really easy to stay afloat.

Snorkeling hazard

Cool coral



A few other random fun pics from Phuket:

Elephant Poo...yes, it's large!!

Kissed by a baby elephant!!

I ate the most spicy dinner of my life this night!

Chris...trying to lift himself out of the water like a porpoise. 

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